|| Shree Madhav Smaranam || || Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospital & Panchkarma Treatment Center || || श्री माधव स्मरणम || || आयुर्वेद एवं पंचकर्म उपचार केंद्र ||

Good diet….

Good diet is our Medicine. One wastes the skill of the physician when he/she takes medicine but neglects diet regulation….! There is famous proverb—-> ” Lets food be thy medication…!” “One dont need medication if he / she consuming proper food, and- there is no need of medication if he/she is not consuming proper food. […]

Celebrating 4th Anniversary

On 4th September, 2007, on the auspicious occasion of Janmastami {Birth day of Lord Shri Krishna (Madhav)}, we started our journey to provide Health and Wellness through the strong n natural medium of Ayurveda. Today “Shree Madhav Smaranam Ayurveda Clinic & Panchkarma Treatment Centre” celebrating its 4th anniversary successfully. Through all this years we established […]

Uses of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is used for sunburns, eczema, burns, insect bites, wounds, and for treating fungal infections. Its anti fungal properties means that it is good for treating acne, athlete’s foot,and mouth sores.  It also aids in the stimulation of cell regeneration. The juice that is gotten from the whole leaf is helpful for healing […]

Food is our Medication

Ancient Ayurveda says one good line, its like this –>> “रोग आहर संभव: शरीरस्तु अन्नपानमूला II” It means, our food is essential conent of body, Our body built up on food and unwanted/bad food creates various diseases in our body. So choose your food wisely and be healthy.Consume food as a Medication so you dont […]

Applying Face-Packs ia an ‘Art’

Applying Face-pack is an art. Its very important to choose right Face-Pack and its more important to know the methods of applications. Only Ayurveda recommends to apply it with various methods, it suggests various types of Face-packs ( a unique combination of Herbs) according to types of skin / diseases / body part . Face-Pack […]

Hair Care – Home made Remedy

Take equal amount of amla, reetha, and shikakai, boil in two liters of water.Use this for your hair wash, once in a week. This will prevent hair loss/dandruff and makes your hair Healthy and Lustrous..

What is Ayurveda?

As per ancient texts….Ayurveda is… ‘तद इदम् शाश्वतं पुण्यं स्वर्गयम् यश आयुष्यं वृत्ति करं च इति’- Its Eternal,Scared, gives Heaven, Reputation,Long life n Livelihood…! Ayurveda is science of Life, its holistic approch2healthcare, helps ppl live long, healthy n well balance life…!

Baddha Padmasana Yoga Posture

This is a variation of Padmasan – Lotus posture. This asana is not meant for meditation. This is chiefly meant for health-improvement and for making the body strong. This asana is difficult to perform. Those who are unable to practise this asana should not be disappointed. They should patiently try to accomplish the final position. […]

Health and Happiness

Health and Happiness is a state of Body n mind, an attitude… and Ayurveda says, it depends on you only…! Be wise…Be Healthy.

Health is in our hands by our Food and Food Habits

Sometime our food habits can be cause of indigestion and our unhealthy status.Its imp to know how you eat as what you eat. Ayurveda science believe dat diseases born from indigestion. “सर्वे रोगः अपि मन्दग्नो: II” Poor digestions lead to formation of toxins called Aam in body. That can be seeds of various diseases. “आमदोषं […]

  • Hair fall
  • Dandruff
  • Dry Damaged hair
  • Hair supplements
  • Hair fall
  • Dandruff
  • Dry Damaged hair
  • Hair supplements
  • Hair fall
  • Dandruff
  • Dry Damaged hair
  • Hair supplements

Hair fall


Dry Damaged hair

Hair supplements

Hair fall


Dry Damaged hair

Hair supplements

Hair fall


Dry Damaged hair

Hair supplements

Hair fall


Dry Damaged hair

Hair supplements

Hair fall


Dry Damaged hair

Hair supplements

Hair fall


Dry Damaged hair

Hair supplements

Hair fall


Dry Damaged hair

Hair supplements

Hair fall


Dry Damaged hair

Hair supplements

Hair fall


Dry Damaged hair

Hair supplements