|| Shree Madhav Smaranam || || Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospital & Panchkarma Treatment Center || || श्री माधव स्मरणम || || आयुर्वेद एवं पंचकर्म उपचार केंद्र ||

Water is very essential part of our life. But many myths are there about water consumption to confuse us nowadays. We drink a lot of water. There are always water glasses on the table at meal times and in some households – mine, for instance – there is even a superstition about drinking a glass of water before you leave the home.

According to Ayurveda, one should consume the water only when a person feels thirsty. It’s a general rule. Excessive or unnecessary intake of water decreases your digestive fire and thus causes indigestion.

Excess intake heavily dilutes digestive juices, known as enzymes. Diluted digestive enzymes are not able to disintegrate the food properly; as a result food remains semi digested. This semi digested food is known as ‘Aama’ in Ayurveda.

Ayurveda suggests—-  “स स्थूल कृश: भुक्तमध्यअन्तप्रथमअम्बुपा: ”

नाम्बु पेयमशक्त्या वा स्वअल्पाग्निगुल्मिभि: I
पाण्डु अतिसार अर्श ग्रहाणि शोष: शोथिभि: I

Ayurveda suggests to drink water according to intake capacity if individuals, its different of every individuals. Excessive intake of water can be cause of swellings, anemia, diarrhea, Piles, colitis and so many diseases.

You can take butter milk instead of water as fresh buttermilk also a good appetizer and can be best for digestive system.

Mostly bottled water is purified but they are closed in plastic bottles for long time, its old water. Adverse effects of such plastics are well known through researches.  We can’t remove the effects of time on bottled water. Bottled water can be heavy for digestion.”पर्युषितं तु त्रिदोष्कृत:I ”

Now Question comes, Is water can be heavy in digestion??? Yes…of course. Old water can be.

Try to consume boiled water, and don’t reheat boiled water.

There is absolutely no scientific basis for the view that water improves your skin.
There is no connection between water and weight loss. No matter how much water you drink, it will not help you lose weight.

The claim that lots of water “flushes out toxins” from your body has no medical foundation at all.

When our bodies need water, we feel thirsty. If you don’t feel thirsty, it is usually because you do not need water.

A new trend is here now, “Mineralized Water”…there is no need of extra minerals in our body, as our body take all minerals from our food. Excessive minerals also cause so many problems in our body.

Consume room temperature water instead chilled or hot water.

In my routine counseling with patients, I found some people that they used to consume 2-3 glasses of water by empty stomach in morning time. It’s very dangerous for our body, it decreases the digestive fire. It’s very bad habit.

Like wise some people consume water which is kept overnight in copper container. If the copper container is not cleaned properly, there shud be deposition of copper sulphate in it n dats very poisonous.There is no scientific evidence which shows any benefits of  drinking water from copper container.

Ayurveda is the great science where all tiny but important things are described. Simple intake of water is wrong then how we can be healthy?? Ayurveda gives so good explanations of diet and lifestyle in ancient texts.

Consult your Ayurveda doctor and seek such advises from them. Its our lifestyle and habits that causes the diseases. So take care of yourself by accepting the simple rules of Ayurveda and Mother Nature, And be healthy by all means.

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