|| Shree Madhav Smaranam || || Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospital & Panchkarma Treatment Center || || श्री माधव स्मरणम || || आयुर्वेद एवं पंचकर्म उपचार केंद्र ||

Changes in the season creating big changes in body. Extremes in temperature and humidity can really stress the body’s mechanism.

With this in mind, we can maximize our personal ‘house-cleansing’ of primary elimination systems at these peak times of year. In the spring, the body is focused on cleansing the liver system, which includes the blood and intestines. In the fall the body is focused on flushing the kidneys and the whole genito-urinary system and cleaning the blood.

Sharad Ritu is considered to be the breeding period for all diseases. “रोगाणां शरदि माता: I”

The digestive system becomes weak and there is a natural aggravation of pitta and decrease of vata.

वर्षशितोचितअङ्गानां  सहसैवर्कर्षिमिभि: I  

तप्तानां संचितं वृष्टौ पित्तं शरदि कुप्यति I  

तज्जयाय गर्तं तिक्तं विरेको रक्तमोक्षणम् II

In Indian calendar months for sharad ritu – Autumn Season is Aswin and Kartik.

In this season sky is filled with scanty clouds and earth is damped with water. Though the sun is hot, the heat effect is normal. Air is damp and hot. Atmosphere is clear. Effect of moon is moderate. Land emanates water vapors remain slightly wet-muddy and covered with lush green grasses. Water is pure (Hansodak) due to rays of rising star Agasti. Lotus also blooms in Lakes, Kraunch birds are seen flying in air, Hans are seen in lakes.

Ayurveda described do and don’ts for all the season, so that we can be Health forever. Rushi muni –A scholars of Ayurveda knows all the the thigs that makes us healthy including Habits, Lifestyle, Herbs, Medication etc etc. And they planned all the things very perfectly and made them documented for the sake of mankind. Let’s see what we can eat in this season.

तिक्तं स्वादु कषयं च क्षुधितोअन्नं भज्जेलघु : I 

शालिमुग्दसीता धात्री पतोल् मधु जाङ्गलं II  

तप्तं तप्तान्षुकिरणै: शितं शितान्षु रश्मिभि: I  

समन्ताद पय होरत्र मगस्त्योद्य निर्विषं II  

शुचि हन्सोदकं नाम निर्मलं मल्जिज्जलं I 

न अभिष्यन्दी न व रूक्षं पनदिश्वंरुतोपं II 

चन्दनो उशीर कर्पूरं मुक्तस्र्ग्वसनोज्ज्वल्: I 

सौधेषु सौध्धव्लं चन्द्रिका रजनीमुखे II

Do  in the Sharad Rutu (Autumn Season)—>>

–       Foods that are cold in potency, easily digestible, astringent, bitter and sweet .

–       Butter, candied sugar, sathi, wheat, barley, moong, Parval, great pumpkin, sweet (white) gourd (petha), Ribbel Luffa (Torai), Amaranthus (Chaulai), petha i.e.white gourd-melon (Benincasa Cerifera), Lauki, spinach, carrots, Amla, figs, ripe bananas, rose apple, sweet lemon, apple, sugarcane, cumin, coriander and aniseeds are salubrious foods.

–       Cow’s milk, ghee, kheer, raisins and black grapes are especially recommended foods in this season.

–       One can consume Hansodak (mentioned above) – a water that is pure by both, rays of agsti star and sun rays.

–       Herbs like Chandan , Ushir, Shatavari , Amla are beneficial to consume.

–       Use pearl necklace for coolant effects on body

–       Go for light walk in moonlight, particularly during Full moon(purnima)

–       Eat in moderation as digestive fire is weak in this season.

–       Save yourself from direct sunlight and eastern winds

–       Cloths should be loose and light colored

–       Panchkarma is best option to detoxify your body in this season. Perticularly do Raktamokshan and Virechan Karma to purify your body.

DON’TS in Sharad Ritu (Autumn Season)—>>>

तुषार क्षर सौहित्यद्धि तैल वसा आतप पान I 

तिक्षन मद्य दिवस्वप्न पुरोवातान परित्यजेत II

–       Fried, spicy, sour (yoghurt, buttermilk, etc.), salty, foods hot in potency, and heavy to digest, asafoetida, red-chillies, sesame seed-oil and mustard oil, millet, corn, ginger, garlic, onion, tamarind, mint leaves, cucumber, fenugreek seeds, ladies fingers, brinjals, urad dal, groundnuts are insalubrious foods in this season.

–       One can have fresh buttermilk mixed with cumin, coriander, aniseeds and candied sugar.

–       Over eating, sleeping during daytime, ice, oil and fried stuff, are especially prohibited.

–       Don’t seat where eastern winds is blowing or sun rays are coming directly

–       This 10 thigs are very very contraindicated in this season –

Consult your Ayurveda doctor and discuss with them about medication and herbs. One should not take herbs or any medication without advise of Ayurveda doctors.

Follow this simple but very important advice of Ayurveda and stay healthy in autumn season.

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