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Curd / Yogurt is a very common and routine food that we eat in our day-to-day life…But there is so many facts that common people dont know about it.
Ayurveda described the benifits and sideeffects of Curd in detail.
Ayurveda’s Scholar Aacharya shri Vagbhatta ji mentioned the qualities of Curd like this—>>

” अम्लपाकरसं ग्राहि  गुरु उष्णम दधि वातजित  I
मेदः शुक्र बल श्लेष्म पित्त रक्त अग्नि शोफ़्कृत I
रोचिष्णु शस्तमरुचौ शितके विषं ज्वरे II
पिनसे मूत्रकुर्छे च , रूक्षं तु ग्रहणी गदे I
नैवद्यानषि नैवोष्नाम वसन्तोष्णशरत्सु न II
नामुदग्सुपं नाक्षोद्रं तन्नाघृतसितोपलं I
न चानंलकं नापि नित्यं नो मन्द मन्यथा II
ज्वर असृक् पित विसर्प् कुष्टः पाण्डु भ्रम प्रदम् I”

Lets see qualities of Curd / Yogurt—>
  • It absorbs water from intestines (hence called as Grahi in Ayurveda). By the virtue of this property it is widely used to treat diarrhea and dysentery.
  • It causes heaviness when used in excess and may cause constipation.
  • It mitigates vata dosha, increases kapha and pitta. Curd should not be used in diseases where blood is vitiated by doshas.
  • Regular consumption of this in pure form increases body fat and may cause obesity.
  • Curd helps to increase quality and quantity of semen.
  • It strengthens the body.
  • Consumption of curd accelerates digestion (agni), stimulates taste buds and acts as an appetizer.
  • It is found beneficial in diseases of duodenum.
  • It reduces irritability of bladder and helps in emptying bladder easily.

Dos and donts for using curd:—>>>

  • Curd should not be eaten at nights.
  • It should not be boiled or heated.
  • Always it has to be mixed with honey / sugar /Amla churna or a churna directed by your doctor before consuming.
  • Its properties get enhanced when mixed with cooked green gram or ghee or gooseberries (amla , Embelica Officinalis).
  • Curd should be used only when it is well formed or completely coagulated.
  • Consumption of incompletely coagulated curd may flare up herpes outbreaks, psoriasis, bleeding inhemorrhoids, ibs etc. and may cause giddiness.

Home remedies using curd—>>>

  • Dandruff is a known cause of hair loss. Applying sour curd as a pack to scalp and hair , once in a week prevents formation of dandruff.
  • Mix moong dal (green gram) powder with curd and massage it to scalp and brush it on hair. Wash it off after 1 hour. This helps to prevent hair loss and dandruff. It also helps to increase hair growth.
  • Dry orange peel in summer and powder it. Mix this powder with little curds massage it on face and neck. This acts as an excellent cleanser and cleanses clogged pores thus preventing acne and pimples.
  • Curds when mixed with sugar acts as an excellent body coolant and instant energizer. It also quenches thirst.
  • A mixture of besan (gram flour) is an excellent pack to rejuvenate facial skin and body skin.
  • Lactose in milk is converted by Yogurt’s bacteria into lactic acid which helps digest lactose or dairy products.
  • The lactic acid of yoghurt is a perfect medium to maximize calcium absorption.
  • As a curative in intestinal disorder
  • Since curd is more easily digested than milk,(depends on individual’s digestive fire)  it is given during stomach and intestinal disorders. The lactic acid bacteria present in the curd acts as a scavenger and creates a healthy environment in the intestine.
  • Your bowel’s best friend
  • Curd flushes out the toxic matter, which overloads the bowels.
  • If one does not consume curd, the individual may suffer not only from intestinal disorders, but also many bowel disorders especially diarrhoea and gastroenteritis because curd cures all the above disorders.
  • Good for treating ulcers (use only after advise of Ayurveda Doctor)

Calcium is very essential for the healing of ulcers. Since the absorption of calcium is double with the curd consumption as compared to the milk, is gives much relief from the pain and discomfort due to ulcers. Therefore, curd has anti-ulcer property and it is an excellent remedy when even there is a stomach irritation. In an hour only 32 per cent of the raw milk is digested as against 91 per cent of the curd. The lactic acid content in the curd helps in the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus. Moreover, some individuals may show intolerance to milk called “lactose intolerance”, but they show tolerance to curd.

  • For mental health

Curd cures migraine and the biotin, a vitamin present in the curd is very important for mental health.

  • As a cosmetic

When applied to the face, it cures acne. Curd is also applied as a face pack to prevent wrinkles. Down the ages, women have used the curd to soften their skin. The recent breakthrough in skin care is the discovery of AHA’S – Alpha Hydroxy Acids by an American dermatologist. AHA’S are fruit acids derived from milk and the fruits. One of the AHA’S is the lactic acid found in the curd. Hence curd can make a very good base ingredient for face packs to keep the wrinkles at bay.

  • Curd is a good hair conditioner.
It provides good nourishment to hair and add a healthier look to the hair. Research indicates that the lactic acid bacteria present in the curd manufactures some anti-grey hair vitamins and also produces the vitamins which helps to stimulate the hair growth.
All this benifits are told for information, curd may not be suitable to sensitive persons that I found in my routine clinic practice. So consume it aas a food, but If  you are taking it as a medication, consult the Ayurveda Doctor first.
Have a happy time ahead.

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  • Hair fall
  • Dandruff
  • Dry Damaged hair
  • Hair supplements
  • Hair fall
  • Dandruff
  • Dry Damaged hair
  • Hair supplements
  • Hair fall
  • Dandruff
  • Dry Damaged hair
  • Hair supplements

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