|| Shree Madhav Smaranam || || Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospital & Panchkarma Treatment Center || || श्री माधव स्मरणम || || आयुर्वेद एवं पंचकर्म उपचार केंद्र ||

Applying Face-pack is an art.

Its very important to choose right Face-Pack and its more important to know the methods of applications.

Only Ayurveda recommends to apply it with various methods, it suggests various types of Face-packs ( a unique combination of Herbs) according to types of skin / diseases / body part .

Face-Pack is not only applicable on Face, Ayurveda recommends so many Body-packs also. In ancient times, Applying herbal body pack is part of regular lifestyle.

According to skin type and diseases Face-pack is applied as a thick or thin layers. In some diseases one should kept it only till its wet on body and should remove it as soon  as it get dry. Or some ‘lepas’ are applied overnights also.

In our routine regular life, generally we apply herbal face-packs for glowing n spot free skin.

Generally we just choose XYZ face-packs from markets. But do we know that its good or suitable for our skin type? No. One must use the Face-Pack according to his/her skin types and Disesases.(i.e. Oily, dry, mix, pimple prone, diseases of pitta / vata or kapha etc).

Acharya Sushrut (शुश्रुतचार्य ) gave proper description of applying ‘aalep’ n ‘Pralep’ (face-pack) in detail in sanhita.

तत्र प्रतिलोममालिपेत I
प्रतिलोमे हि सम्यक  औषध अवतिष्ठे अनुप्रविषति च

रोम्कुपन स्वेदवहिभिश्च सिरमुखैर्विर्यं प्राप्नोति II

In General, According to Ayurveda-

Face Pack (for glowing skin) should be applicable as a very thin layer.And it should removed as soon as it get dry.

One should apply the face-pack against the direction of hair, so that penetration of medication in skin will be easy n quick. N by this method, medicine will works nicely on sweat glands, skin pores and capillaries.

One should not keep it for more then 10 mins / or according to suggestion of Ayurveda doctors, as when it get dry, its advisable to remove it, after that it can cause stretching of skin,resulting sagging and very dry skin. Dried face-pack is no useful and painful also.

न च शुष्यमन्मुपेक्षेत, अन्यत्र पीडयित्वात I
शुष्को हि अपार्थको रुककर्षच II

Sometime some Face-Packs are types of scrubbing, so dont apply such packs everyday. Use it weekly or according to your skin type. Excessive use of scrubber can be harmfull for your skin,it will erose outer layer of your skin and it will remove necessary moisture from skin also.

Mostly Body packs and Face Packs is useful in blood n Pittaj diseases. Its useful to heal the wounds also.  It removes necrosis of tissues ( पूति मास ) if used properly.

Such herbal Ayurveda Face/Body packs purify the skin, decrease the itching, redness, and burning sensation . Its effects to not only skin n blood, but it effects on deeper tissues also.

Some time some packs are useful to decraese the swellings and Pain in the body, diseases such as lumbago, spinal injuries, Sciatica , We are usually prescribe some Medicinal Body-pack to apply to relieve pain n swellings.

Avoid applying the face pack near the eye area, since the skin here is very sensitive and thin. One should not apply it in night time usually.

न च आलेपं रात्रौ प्रयुज्येत I
न च पर्युषितं लेपं कदाचित् अव्चार्येत I
उपर्युपरि लेपं तु न कदाचित् प्रलेपयेत II
न च तेनैव लेपेन प्रदेहं दापयेत पुन: I
शुष्कभावत्स निर्विर्यो युक्तो अपि स्याद् पार्थक : II

Apply packs immediately after making it wet. Dont reuse it.

If one medicine-pack  is applied , den dont apply again fresh pack on  it. Let it dry, remove it n if necessary den apply again. Overlapping will be not useful.

Once medicine become dry, discard it. Dont use it again again n again.

Choice of Herbs combination is again a things of experts, so seek your physicians advice to get maximum benefits of Face-Packs.So seek your Ayurveda Doctor’s advise before buying / applying any Face-Packs.

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