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Herb Garlic is Ayurveda ‘s mighty bulb…its have so many healing properties. Ancient texts indicates so many indications for various diseases. Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is a species in the onion genus, allium. Its close relatives include the onion. With a history of human use of over 7,000 years, garlic is native to central Asia

“यदा अमृतं वैनेतयो जहार सुर्सत्मात I  तदा ततोअप्तद बिन्दु : स रसोन उद्भव : भुवि II “

Ayurveda scholar Acharya Bhavpraksh mentioned that, when Garuda steel “Amruta” from Lord Indra, at that time the drops of Amruta sprinkled/fell down on earth and the Garlic is cultivated from those drops.

He also mentioned following qualities of Herb Garlic-

“रसोनो बृहणो वृष्य : स्निग्ध उष्ण : पाचन : सर : I 
भग्न संधान्कर कृत्कन्थ्यो गुरु : पित्तस्त्र वृद्धिद : I  
बल्वर्ण करो मेधाहितो नेत्रयो रसायन : II 
हृदयरोग जीर्ण जवर कुक्षि शुल् विबन्ध गुल्म अरुचि कास शोफ़न् I 
दुर्नाम कुष्ठनल्साद्जन्तु समिरन श्वास् कफान्स्च हन्ति II “

Here are some of Qualities…uses and some Results of medical researches also.

– a dose of 1-2 cloves per day was able to lower cholesterol by an average of 15 percent.This would reduce the risk of heart attack by 30 percent.

For centuries many cultures have hailed garlic as an aphrodisiac due to its ability to boost blood circulation.garlic uses

– garlic consumption may reduce the risk of developing several types of cancer, especially those associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Both the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the US and the World Health Organization (WHO) recognize garlic as having potential anticancer properties.

Research scientists at the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology found that garlic can act as an antidote to heavy metal poisoning, showing effectiveness in reducing levels of cadmium, arsenic, copper, mercury and lead.

Traditionally, garlic was used to treat both internal and external infections. It was commonly prescribed for internal conditions of the ears, mouth, skin, stomach and throat, and applied externally to treat boils, spots and ulcers.

During the First and Second World Wars garlic was used to treat open wounds, and troops in the trenches relied on garlic as protection against gangrene and as a cure for dysentery. In China and India, garlic has long been recommended for cholera, dysentery and as an antiseptic lotion for washing wounds and ulcers.

– Hippocrates, Galen, Pliny the Elder, and Dioscorides all mention the use of garlic for many conditions, including parasites, respiratory problems, poor digestion, and low energy.

– garlic can work against a variety of bacteria and fungi, including Candida (see further along in this article), Cryptococcus (which causes meningitis), Microsporum (ringworm) and Salmonella.

– Apart from having fewer side effects, garlic’s overwhelming advantage over antibiotics is two- fold. First, it does not create bacterial resistance in the way antibiotics do; there is no evidence that bacteria become so accustomed to garlic that they start to live with it or even on it. Second, garlic has the ability to act on a range of bacterial and fungal infections rather than targeting specific bugs. It does not work as precisely or as quickly as antibiotics, but has a gentle and persistent action on the body. For this reason it is ideally suited to the treatment of infections that are not acute or immediately life threatening.

Garlic oil remedy will generally resolve simple earache (first stages of inflammation) within 24 hours. If the earache persists you should seek professional help — do not delay treatment, especially where children are concerned.

-Some people apply garlic oil to their skin to treat fungal infections, warts, and corns. There is some evidence supporting the topical use of garlic for fungal infections like ringworm, and athlete’s foot; but the effectiveness of garlic against warts and corns is still uncertain.

Garlic Ayurveda uses– Garlic is a common flavoring in food, some scientists have suggested that it might have a role as a food additive to prevent food poisonng.  There is some evidence that fresh garlic, but not aged garlic, can kill certain bacteria such as E. coli, antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and salmonella enteritidis in the laboratory

– Garlic has long been thought to possess antiviral properties and for many it reliably wards off the most prevalent viral infection of all: the common cold

– For centuries garlic has been used as a natural antiviral to ward off symptoms of colds and respiratory infections. These basic garlic preparations will bring overall relief and resistance.

– Garlic has been successful in combating even the most aggressive bacteria responsible for stomach upsets.

– Many commercial pesticides are harmful to the environment. Garlic though is all-natural but it can be as effective as any of these commercial variants. Simply mix garlic cloves and extracts with pepper and a bit of soap to make your own garlic pesticide.

– If you are taking prescribed anti-coagulant drugs such as warfarin, you should consult your doctor before taking any garlic supplements or eating large quantities of raw garlic.  too much raw garlic could irritate or even damage the digestive tract. As always, use common sense, don’t overdo it and if in doubt consult your doctor.

– Garlic makes a wonderful health supplement for many people but the so-called “garlic cure” is no substitute for the basics: sensible eating and appropriate exercise. Garlic should be seen as part of a healthy lifestyle – not as an alternative to it. Always consult your doctor first regarding any medical condition.

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